TP Resources
Legal services
Legal Services
Artists frequently encounter legal issues that can have a significant impact on their careers and livelihoods.
We aim to simplify the process for you and have partnered with specialists who are eager to provide you with the necessary support.

KYRI - know your rights initiative
Munich I #consulting #germanlaw
Available in: DE, EN
"KYRI has set itself the goal of closing information gaps in the legal system and making law accessible to everyone. This includes raising awareness about the German legal system. We are excited about an official partnership with The Pending and look forward to getting to know you!"

Romy Graske
Berlin I #taxright #KSK
Available in: DE, EN
"To work creatively, at a professionally excellent level with people who inspire and challenge each other. That’s what I like - that's why I advise artists, expats, freelancers and digital companies. They make visible what other people may not be able to see and sometimes forget the world around them. They are driven by an uncompromising passion.
That's how I feel about the field of law."

Artist To Business
Düsseldorf I #KSK #contracts #copyright #brands #licenses
Available in: DE, EN
"Artist to Business aims to assist young artists, as well as seasoned professionals and newcomers in the art sector, without any financial risk, by providing professional legal advice from the very beginning or starting immediately. We offer guidance on copyright protection, contract negotiation, contract review in copyright law, publishing contract review, and rights exploitation."

Beatle Theado Legal
Saarbrücken I #musicindustry #labels #copyright #contracts
Available in: DE, EN
"At the core of music law are the rights of authors. These rights are either fully or partially transferred, for example, to a record company. The transfer of rights can occur through various means. We provide advice to musicians and music companies on all matters related to music law and contract drafting."

K&E Rechtsanwälte
Munich I #ip #contracts #press&media #copyright
Available in: DE, EN
"What distinguishes the law firm K&E Lawyers for Culture & Entertainment is client-oriented and highly qualitative advice, based on our comprehensive knowledge and experience in various complex legal fields. Our range of services includes not only judicial and extrajudicial representation but also pure legal consultation."

Hannover I #ip#copyright #licenses
Available in: DE, EN
"We provide advice to artists, musicians, composers, lyricists, producers, as well as media, publishing, production, and distribution companies of all sizes in all matters concerning national and international art and cultural law. We are specialized lawyers for copyright and media law and can communicate in a way that is understandable to you."

SBS Legal
Hamburg I #ip #copyright #taxlaw #GEMA
#marketinglaw #data
Available in: DE, EN
"We're a law firm serving freelancers and SMBs, blending law and tax via our in-house SBS TAX. Expertise: intellectual property, media, copyright. Lawyers with music industry experience offer artist insights. We excel in data protection, internet rules, distribution, and commercial law. A leader in German crypto and multi-level marketing law, we provide essential legal and tax support to artists and entrepreneurs."

Themis Hartung
Munich I #artists #media #culture#copyright
Available in: DE, EN
"The task and aspiration of THEMIS was and is to shape and represent your future together with you in the best possible way.
The focal points of our activities for private clients and businesses primarily lie in the areas of:
Art, Culture, and Media
Copyright and Media Law
Foundations and Trusts"